in search of


in search of 的定义

  1. Also, in quest of. Looking for, seeking, as in They went to California in search of gold, or I went to the library in quest of a quiet place to read. The first term dates from the mid-1400s, the second from the second half of the 1500s.

in search of 近义词

in search of

等同于 following

更多in search of例句

  1. This is a guy who has his son-in-law clean his eyeglasses, for crying out loud.
  2. Her travel clique has been known to arrive at an airport, bags packed, passport-in-hand, within hours of spotting a deal.
  3. In my search for answers about who I was, I pored over religious texts in search of enlightenment.
  4. Earl Spencer adds, “Effectively, my great-grandfather sold his children to his father-in-law.”
  5. After a hit, they would adjust the search to the most likely route from there.
  6. Felipe was so full of impatience to continue his search, that he hardly listened to the Father's words.
  7. He will search out the hidden meanings of proverbs, and will be conversant in the secrets of parables.
  8. But such refuge, he knew, could avail him nothing if the bear should scent him out and search for him.
  9. Such throats are trying, are they not?In case one catches cold; Ah, yes!
  10. The commander-in-chief still kept him attached to the headquarter staff, and constantly employed him on special service.